[ ] Go through our interactive user guide to learn how to use this community!
[ ] Update your profile
- [ ] set a (non-letter) avatar/profile picture
- [ ] add a nice short bio about you and what you do
- [ ] set your notifications by going to preferences >> notifications >> and turn on live notifications for your browser and for email notifications, go to preferences >> emails set the notifications as to your personal preference
[ ] Familiarize yourself with our Community Guidelines
[ ] Read through How learning happens in Community Staples, to better understand how you’ll learn
[ ] If you’re here to learn, go to #learning and click the New Topic button to create a topic to track your progress with. The button here is also clickable. The title of this post can be anything fun or simple and you’d use it every week to write out what you’ve done and track your progress. You can use mine as an example: Sprime's Learning Log
[ ] Check out the latest discussions to join our conversations, be a part of the community. If you have a question or discussion you want us to have, start a new topic and let us help you get started.
[ ] Join the WhatsApp group for more rounded discussions and follow-ups. Click this link to join: Community Staples WhatsApp Group Invite. When you join, please share the name you use here in the WhatsApp group so I know it is you. Please don’t share this link outside.
Bonus points if you go through all this, like real spendable bonus points
[ ] Go through the Discourse New User Guide for bonus points
[ ] Complete this 10-min tutorial on markdown to understand how to use the editor to format text